2022 Norton Education Series: Irritable Bowel Syndrome Event

Exhibitor: Atlantia


Atlantia Clinical Trials is a world class contract research organization serving the functional food and nutrition industry. We conduct human clinical studies on nutraceuticals, probiotics, supplements, microbiomes, and other elements of food and nutrition to determine human health impacts.

Founded in Ireland in 2012 and expanded to the United States in 2019, Atlantia globally serves food, diet and nutrition companies with end-to-end clinical trial services that provide scientific validation for food marketing and health claims. Our clinical trials back our sponsors’ health and nutrition statements subject to oversight by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Food Safety Authority.

As research scientists for health and nutrition, we are committed to ethical standards and scientific rigor. We treat our clinical trial participants with respect, beneficence, and dignity; we give priority to their health, safety, and comfort; and we maintain the privacy of their identity and participation.

For additional information regarding Atlantia Clinical Trials, please contact us at (312) 535-9440.

Summary of clinical trial actively recruiting: View Clinical Trial Here

The investigational product that will be tested in this study is being developed as a dietary supplement that is intended to improve Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms in individuals with IBS.

There is a small number of potential side effects that may happen as result of introducing the investigational product to the normal diet (e.g. indigestion, bloating, changes in bowel habit, changes in hunger levels and appetite etc. or allergic reaction). Since the product is investigational, there may be other risks that are unknown. There are also some risks associated with blood collection, mostly associated with the needle going through the skin (e.g. bruising, clots under the skin, light-headedness, possible fainting, and, rarely, infection). Due to the sensitive nature of the questionnaires some of the questions may seem invasive due to their personal nature.

You may or may not benefit from taking part in this study. However, in the future other people may benefit from this research. You will receive a health check (i.e., monitoring of blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, blood safety profile results) if you participate in this study. If you agree to take part in this study and after you sign the consent form, over a 15-week period you will attend 3 visits at the study site and two phone-call check-ins during which you will undergo a health check, be asked to provide blood and stool samples and complete a number of questionnaires relating to your IBS symptoms.

You will be asked to consume a study product or a visually identical placebo once a day for 84 days (12 weeks). The study product is a white powder that comes in 5.5 grams bags also known as packets. Study product should be mixed in a glass of water (4-6 oz) and should be taken in the morning.

For additional information, please contact us at (312) 535-9440 or volunteers@atlantiatrials.com or see the links below:

Atlantia pre-screening questionnaire: https://atlantiaclinicaltrials.com/chicago/study/ibs-study 

Clinicaltrials.gov link: https://bit.ly/3urvepQ

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