IFFGD in Washington


IFFGD in Washington
IFFGD with Congressman David E. Price

Too often, silence is a symptom that accompanies a functional gastrointestinal (GI) or motility disorder. Nowhere has the lack of dialogue and education surrounding these conditions been more detrimental than on Capitol Hill.

IFFGD has been a voice on the Hill for years on behalf of the digestive health community. Despite the progress we have made, federal funding for GI and motility disorder medical research currently lags behind other digestive conditions, and patients frequently face issues regarding access to care and availability of treatment options.

Please help fill the information gap in Washington, DC by becoming an advocate, through IFFGD, for the digestive health patient community. Your outreach to Members of Congress and the Administration will help us educate policymakers about the needs of patients and inform them of how they can take meaningful action.

Sign up to receive our Advocacy Connection eNewsletter and stay connected on updates on relevant legislation, IFFGD visits to Washington D.C., government agency updates, and much more!

It’s Easy to Make a Difference Through IFFGD

IFFGD is calling on all individuals affected by functional gastrointestinal and motility disorders (FGIMDs) to join our efforts effectively dedicated to improving treatment options and finding cures for these conditions.

Use your story to raise awareness in your community, advocate for change on Capitol Hill, or fundraise for critical research activities. We bring patients, family members, friends, and healthcare providers together with IFFGD to ensure that we carry one clear, impactful message. Adding your voice to this growing chorus will help expand critical research, initiate important legislation, and facilitate the development of new treatment options.

Involvement in Shaping National Health Care Policy

We are continually present on Capitol Hill, monitoring and participating in areas important to the digestive health community.

Congressional Testimony

IFFGD in Washington testifying

Bill Norton testifies before House Appropriations Committee.

Each fiscal year (FY), Congress decides how much funding to provide federally supported medical research initiatives, what areas of research should be prioritized, and how much funding should be committed towards new drug approval and the monitoring of current treatment options. Whenever appropriate, the IFFGD offers testimony, either written or in person before members of Congress, which expresses the needs of functional GI and motility disorder patients and urges additional resources for NIH and FDA. For specific remarks to Congress, please visit our congressional testimony archive.

FDA and Other Regulatory Agencies Testimony

As part of our continual presence in Washington, DC, and around the United States, whenever appropriate IFFGD offers testimony to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other regulatory agencies. Through either written or in-person statements, IFFGD shares the perspective of functional GI and motility disorder patients. We urge consideration of the patient perspective in regulatory decisions and encourage additional resources to help meet their needs. To read specific statements to the FDA and other regulatory agencies, please visit our FDA testimony archive.

VA Testimony

In 2011 the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recognized that there is a “Presumptive Service Connection” associated with service in Southwest Asia during certain periods and the development of functional GI disorders. IFFGD promotes expanding the understanding of health consequences of military service in the Southwest Asia theater of operations during the Gulf War and help for veterans with service-connected diseases.

Nancy Norton meets with Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH)

Nancy Norton meets with Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH).

Working With Stakeholders

Digestive Disease National Coalition (DDNC)

The DDNC serves as the national voice of the digestive health community by bringing patient organizations, physician societies, and industry partners together around issues of common interest. The functional GI and motility disorders patient community is well represented by the DDNC as IFFGD president, Ceciel Rooker, serves on the DDNC’s Executive Committee. The DDNC actively works to shape health policy through sustained advocacy and outreach, and hosts a two-day public policy forum on Capitol Hill each year.


Working With the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

National Institute of Diabetes, and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK): The NIDDK supports research of the most common, costly and chronic conditions. President of IFFGD, Ceciel Rooker, is a member of the Strategic Planning Committe since 2019, and is a member of the Advisory Council since 2020.  Council members also serve as liaisons between the research communities they represent and the NIDDK.


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