Raising Awareness: Empower Change

Raising awareness is critical to advance research and improve care for people affected by FGIMDs. The more we spread the word and talk openly about these conditions, the greater our ability to make connections with people who can benefit from our support and raise the funds needed to provide it.  A higher profile can translate into larger federal investments in research activities and a stronger commitment from industry to develop new treatment options. You can help.

Tools for Raising Awareness

By speaking out with us, you can have an impact on improving the quality of life for those suffering from digestive diseases.

Awareness Ambassadors

Awareness Ambassadors are individuals who volunteer their time and skills to raise awareness of functional GI and motility disorders (FGIMDs) in a number of different ways. These courageous individuals serve as the face of the FGIMD community and continually work to build compassion and understanding for the FGIMD patient experience.

Awareness Tools

  • Flyers/Posters – hang these up at your neighborhood coffee shop or hand them out at your local farmer’s market to raise awareness for digestive diseases. If you are interested, please contact us.

Idea Starters for Raising Awareness

  • Organize an event at your local community center. Invite a speaker (or speak yourself) who has a personal story to share about the effects of digestive diseases. The event can be free, but you can ask for donations to go towards research and encourage all the people who come to find out more at IFFGD.org!
  • Write a letter to the editor talking about the importance of research and progress in the area of digestive health. If you’ve got a personal story, you can also work with a local reporter to try and get your story told.
  • Ask your local public officials to make a proclamation, like for IBS Awareness Month in April, Gastroparesis Awareness Month in August, GERD Awareness Week in November.
  • Use Facebook and Twitter (and make sure you “like” and “follow” us too) to encourage your friends and family to join us in creating a community of support and awareness of digestive diseases.
  • Design a t-shirt on www.booster.com and encourage your friends and family to purchase and wear it. Bonus: Donate the funds to IFFGD!

Submit your results to become an Awareness Ambassador

We want to see you in action. Send us your pictures and story telling us about how you have raised awareness for digestive diseases in your community. When we all stand together, we can make a difference.

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IFFGD is a nonprofit education and research organization. Our mission is to inform, assist, and support people affected by gastrointestinal disorders.

Our original content is authored specifically for IFFGD readers, in response to your questions and concerns.

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