Survey Corner

What Do Surveys Tell Us?

Surveys are an important way to learn more about the experience of living with a digestive disorder. View results of surveys conducted by IFFGD and learn what investigators are finding as they search for answers to help those with digestive disorders.

survey corner


IBS-D Survey

One of IFFGD’s Industry partners has developed a survey to build the understanding of young people living with irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea (IBS-D) as well as our understanding of caregivers of young people living with IBS-D.

The goal of this survey is to understand your thoughts on IBS-D clinical trials. This includes your general perceptions of these types of trials and things that would make you interested in participating in one.

By taking part in this survey, you’ll be helping make clinical trials better for future young IBS-D patients.

IFFGD’s 2021 COVID Impact On GI 

With the help of patients, caregivers, and our Industry Council, IFFGD has created a questionnaire to gain insight into the impact COVID-19 and the pandemic has had on the Gastrointestinal (GI) Illness population. We hope this will assist healthcare providers, law makers and industry partners on the future care of patients.  This survey will take approximately 7 minutes. Participants do not have to have been diagnosed with COVID or received a COVID vaccine.

IFFGD’s 2021 rGERD Assessment Survey

IFFGD has been working with the International Working Group for the Classification of Oesophagitis (IWGCO) to create a survey to better understand the illness experience of those with Refractory Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (rGERD). Refractory Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (rGERD) is very common and may affect up to 40% of people who use a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) once daily.  You can participate in this survey. Approximate time to take this survey is 6 minutes. 

IFFGD’s 2022 Transitioning from Pediatric to Adult GI Survey

IFFGD has teamed up with GI physician, Dr. Miguel Saps, and created a survey to learn more about patients’ experiences transitioning from pediatric to adult GI care. This transition can be difficult and confusing. We want to better understand the biggest impacts, both good and bad, that this transition has had on you or your child’s illness journey. This survey takes approximately 5 minutes to complete.

IFFGD’s 2020 IBS Patients’ Illness Experience and Unmet Needs Survey

IFFGD is conducting a questionnaire to asses the illness experience and unmet needs of IBS patients. This survey will take approximately 30–45 minutes to complete. The variation in time is dependent on each participant due to certain responses triggering additional follow-up questions. Participants must be diagnosed with IBS by a healthcare provider.

Achalasia Patient Opinion 

IFFGD is looking for people with achalasia symptoms and/or a history of POEM surgery for achalasia to complete this survey. Please take a few minutes to share your insight and experiences.

GERD Patient Opinion Survey

IFFGD is looking for people with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) or acid reflux symptoms to complete this questionnaire. Please take a few minutes to share your insight and experiences.

CoRDS Achalasia Questionnaire

IFFGD has teamed up with Coordination of Rare Diseases at Stanford (CoRDS) to create an achalasia questionnaire. Please take a few minutes to share your insight and experience. 

CoRDS Anal Fistulas Questionnaire

IFFGD has teamed up with Coordination of Rare Diseases at Stanford (CoRDS) to create an anal fistula questionnaire. This module takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. Please take a few minutes to share your insight and experience. 

CoRDS Dysphagia Questionnaire

IFFGD has teamed up with Coordination of Rare Diseases at Stanford (CoRDS) to create a Dysphagia questionnaire. This module takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. Please take a few minutes to share your insight and experience. 

CoRDS Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency (CSID) Questionnaire

IFFGD has teamed up with Coordination of Rare Diseases at Stanford (CoRDS) to create a CSID questionnaire. This module takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. Please take a few minutes to share your insight and experience. 

Now you can help advance research about digestive disorders.
Simply take part in these studies online:

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IFFGD is a nonprofit education and research organization. Our mission is to inform, assist, and support people affected by gastrointestinal disorders.

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