IFFGD’s Web Linking Policy

Web Linking Policy

We do not endorse any commercial products, services, or programs. We will consider links to noncommercial sites that include:

  1. Registered nonprofits/charities and medical societies with established governing boards,
  2. Educational or research institutions,
  3. Health related government sites.


What should you look for when evaluating the quality of health information on web sites?

The U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health offers suggestions at a Guide to Healthy Web Surfing.

IFFGD reserves the right to determine the sites we will link to. To suggest your site, please send information about your organization as well as the URL (web address) to IFFGD.

Our aim is to provide resources that may help increase understanding about gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, mainly functional GI and motility disorders.

IFFGD is not responsible for information or advice provided by others, including those we link to from our site. IFFGD is not responsible for the security or privacy practices of those sites, the products or services offered by those sites, or the content appearing at those sites.

Note that the websites we link to are noncommercial and are external to IFFGD; we do not warrant or have any control over their content.

Linking from external sites to IFFGD Content

We welcome any user to link their own website to any page on IFFGD.org and the rest of our family of websites. If you wish to link directly to one of our PDF publications, please contact IFFGD for a secure URL.

We do request that you please do not re-host any IFFGD PDFs, or reprint substantial portions of text from our web pages or PDFs (more than 10%) in HTML format. You are welcome to quote up to 10% of the text from any article or webpage for critical, discussion, or educational purposes. Any quotes published from a webpage or article should be accompanied by the following text:

© 2023, International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD). If you would like more information on gastrointestinal disorders please contact IFFGD, or visit their Web site at www.IFFGD.org.

To reprint longer excerpts of IFFGD content, or to reprint the entirety of an article either electronically or in a print publication, please contact us for reprint authorization.

Resource Links to External Sites

Other Disorders and Nonprofits

Government Institutions

Professional Nonprofits

Educational Organizations

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