2013 Award Recipients

On April 12, 2013 IFFGD presented eight investigators with our 2013 Research Awards in recognition of their contributions to scientific and clinical advancements in the area of functional gastrointestinal (GI) and motility disorders. The awards support and encourage the participation of clinicians and scientists in multidisciplinary efforts aimed at providing a better understanding of these conditions in adults and in children.

Peer-Review Selection Committee

  • Douglas Drossman, MD, Chair
  • Ronnie Fass, MD
  • Samuel Nurko, MD
  • Reza Shaker, MD
  • Yvette Taché, PhD
  • Jackie Wood, PhD

Since 2003 we have presented Research Awards to 38 active investigators. Their work is increasing understanding of these complex conditions and of how to improve treatments.

The eight honorees were recognized at the 10th International Symposium on Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in Milwaukee, WI. The awards were presented by Nancy Norton, President and founder, IFFGD; Frank Hamilton, MD, Chief of the Digestive Disease Branch, Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the NIH; and Douglas Drossman, MD, Chair, IFFGD Research Awards Peer-Review Selection Committee.


We congratulate the 2013 IFFGD Research Award recipients for their outstanding achievements and thank them for their ongoing commitments to research of functional GI and motility disorders.

The 2013 IFFGD Research Award Recipients are:

Enrico Corazziari, MD, Universitá La Sapienza in Rome, Italy – 
Recipient of the 2013 award for Senior Investigator in Clinical Science

Dr. Corazziari’s research covers a wide spectrum of functional GI and motility disorders, from the brain to the gut. His work is contributing to the clinical understanding of esophageal disorders such as dysphagia and GERD; upper GI conditions such as dyspepsia; biliary disorders such as sphincter of Oddi and gallbladder dysfunction; and bowel disorders such as IBS and chronic constipation.

Learn more about Dr. Corazziari.

Jan Tack, MD, PhD, of University Hospitals Leuven in Leuven, Belgium –
Recipient of the 2013 award for Senior Investigator in Clinical Science

Dr. Tack’s research interests include advancing understanding of functional dyspepsia, GERD, IBS, chronic constipation, and gastroparesis, as well as furthering the understanding of the nerves within the digestive tract (enteric nervous system).

Learn more about Dr. Tack.

Gary Mawe, PhD, The University of Vermont in Burlington, VT –
Recipient of the 2013 award for Senior Investigator in Basic Science

Dr. Mawe’s research is advancing understanding of how the GI tract functions, with particular emphasis on mechanisms related to the digestive tract (enteric) nervous system, and factors that influence sensory and motor function in the intestines and biliary tract in adults and children.

Learn more about Dr. Mawe.

L. Ashley Blackshaw, PhD, Queen Mary University in London, England –
Recipient of the 2013 award for Senior Investigator in Basic Science

Dr. Blackshaw’s research interests focus on understanding sensory motor function within the gut, including the interaction between the digestive tract and the brain; the functions of the immune system and how they relate to conditions like IBS and GERD; and the mechanisms and roles of nutrient sensing (a cell’s ability to recognize certain substances).

Learn more about Dr. Blackshaw.

Carlo Di Lorenzo, MD, The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH –
Recipient of the 2013 award for Senior Investigator in Pediatrics

Dr. Di Lorenzo’s research looks at pediatric motility and functional gastrointestinal disorders. His work has led to the development of more child-friendly diagnostic testing and effective treatment strategies, including helping patients who have been resistant to prior treatment options.

Learn more about Dr. Di Lorenzo.

Niranga Manjuri Devanarayana, MD, The University of Kelaniya in Sri Lanka –
Recipient of the 2013 award for Junior Investigator in Pediatrics

Dr. Devanarayana’s research looks at motility and functional GI conditions in children and adolescents including understanding risk factors for these conditions and quality of life issues. She has worked extensively to understand and highlight the importance of chronic abdominal pain and its relationship to many functional/motility disorders.

Learn more about Dr. Devanarayana.

Lukas Van Oudenhove, PhD, The University of Leuven in Leuven, Belgium –
Recipient of the 2013 award for Junior Investigator in Clinical Science

Dr. Van Oudenhove’s research interests include the understanding of interactions between the brain and the digestive tract, the complex factors involved with signaling and sensation, and how these interactions may contribute to symptoms and treatments of functional GI/motility disorders.

Learn more about Dr. Van Oudenhove.

Muriel Larauche, PhD, The University of California, Los Angeles, CA –
Recipient of the 2013 award for Junior Investigator in Basic Science

Dr. Larauche’s research looks at understanding factors involved with and influenced by visceral pain, understanding sex differences in symptom generation, and investigating mechanisms involved with colonic motility alterations and intestinal barrier function in functional GI/motility disorders.

Learn more about Dr. Larauche.

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