2013 IFFGD Research Award Recipient Enrico Corazziari, MD

Award for Senior Investigator in Clinical Science

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Dr. Corazziari is Professor of Gastroenterology in the Dipartimento di Medicina Interna e Specialità Mediche at the Universitá La Sapienza in Rome.

His research areas of interest span the spectrum of biopsychosocial medicine and neurogastroenterology including gut physiology and motility research, clinical and epidemiological studies, and the assessment of psychosocial factors in functional GI disorders.

He has had an interest in functional biliary disorders for which he has developed an international reputation. In addition, he has studied patients with inflammatory bowel disease, and the effect of neurological disorders on GI symptoms.

Dr. Corazziari’s research includes developing and applying non-invasive techniques for the study of the GI tract, such as ultrasonography to test motility of the small bowel, stomach, and gallbladder. His studies are also providing data that looks at cultural differences to help doctors more effectively personalize medical management of different patients. His genetic studies are increasing the understanding of idiopathic achalasia.

In addition, as a founding member of the Associazione per la NeUroGastroenterologia e la Motilità Gastrointestinale (ANEMGI) and the Rome Foundation, Dr. Corazziari has made countless contributions to the worldwide knowledge of functional gastrointestinal and motility disorders.

Clinical Science is the research approach aimed at understanding the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders through studies involving people, usually carried out in clinical settings.

View our “Where Are They Now?” Research Award Winner YouTube Series

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