Research Awards

research awards

Background of IFFGD’s Research Awards

IFFGD first offered Research Awards in 2003 (and Research Grants in 2007). To date, we have presented Awards to 45 researchers from around the world.

These Awards recognize the accomplishments of investigators who are engaged in significant research in the field of functional gastrointestinal (GI) disease. Our intent is to encourage the participation of clinicians and scientists in multidisciplinary efforts aimed at advancing the understanding of functional GI and motility disorders in adults and in children that can ultimately lead to better treatments and cures.

The IFFGD Research Award recipients are determined by a Selection Committee comprised of internationally recognized experts in the field.

To be eligible, the investigators must have completed an MD or Ph.D., have demonstrated functional GI disease research activity, and be currently active in such research.

Comments from Past IFFGD Research Award Recipients

“Awards for prior research provide a sense of affirmation and meaning, especially in an area that is often underappreciated or understudied, such as the complex problems of functional illnesses. Perhaps more importantly, the resources allowed me to perform some preliminary studies.”

– Klaus Bielefeldt, MD. 2003 IFFGD Research Award Recipient

“The IFFGD research award helped me get the recognition and visibility that was needed to sustain funding for my research in children. It has been an enormous asset to me and eventually also to the children whose lives will be touched by my research.”

– Miranda Van Tilburg, PhD. 2007 IFFGD Research Award Recipient

“The award was invaluable, as it provided some pump priming funds to develop some of my research. It is nice that by being awarded an IFFGD research prize, you can use the funds flexibly to prioritize areas of research, which might not normally get funded.”

– Shaheen Hamdy, MD. 2005 IFFGD Research Award Recipient

The Need for More Research – How You Can Help

IFFGD participates in and encourages support of scientific inquiry and research. Although the need has been demonstrated, functional GI disorder research remains severely underfunded.

There are a growing number of clinicians and investigators who are striving to learn more about functional gastrointestinal disorders. They need research funding. You can help. Working together, we can change the way these disorders are viewed, managed and treated. To know more about funding needs, visit Need for Funding Research and How to Make a Difference.

Help Support IFFGD’s Research Awards

IFFGD Research Grants

Learn about IFFGD Research Grants – what we are doing and how you can help.

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