Anonymous Personal Story
Anonymous Personal Story: Fecal Incontinence and Rediscovering Hope Hello to everybody. I bumped into this website in one of the several moments of discomfort of my life. I was born with myelomeningocele, spina bifida, so I’ve been dealing with fecal incontinence my entire life. I’m actually crying reading some of your posts, for the […]
Anonymous Personal Story
Anonymous Personal Story: Incontinence I am in my 50’s Very shortly after I eat, I have to poop. I can hold it for a few minutes max. This situation I can control to some extent. Other times, without warning, I feel it coming out and cant stop it. I always wear a thick diaper everywhere […]
I have IBS (diarrhoea)and this rather nasty ‘propensity’ of experiencing embarrassing (sometimes explosive) diarrhoea ‘incursions’. many times I have worn light coloured (even white painter’s pants and have been rather unfortunate to have been at the wrong place and wrong time in encountering these fast acting sudden and most unexpected accidents of the runs in […]
Tatsuhiro’s Personal Story
Tatsuhiro’s Personal Story: Navigating IBS-D and Embarrassing Flare-Ups Since I was in high school I had developed IBS-D (diarrhoea predominant irritable bowel syndrome). Fortunately I do not consider myself to have a chronic but frequent flare-ups of diarrhoea. It has been sort of a nightmare with me as I have had many embarrassing public […]
I have been dealing with “undiagnosed” digestive issues since I was 25. I have spent a majority of my 20’s and now the beginning of my 30’s suffering and living a life controlled by digestive motility disorders.It all started with not being able to go to the bathroom for weeks at a time, nausea, noticeable […]
I am a 70 year old woman who was diagnosed with IBS-D about 25 years ago, though I think I had mild symptoms for 15 years before that. Since then, I have gone through many different treatments and approaches, and have visited numerous doctors and practitioners. Some things worked for a while, but then stop […]
Lindsay’s Personal Story
Lindsay’s Personal Story: Fecal Urgency & Incontinence I have suffered with fecal urgency and incontinence since the birth of my daughter in May 2012. I’m 33 years old. I feel like I am carrying a huge weight around with me, everyday is so mentally exhausting. Everything has to be controlled and revolve around me possibly […]
Cheer up folks!!! I read stories about people staying home all the time and scared to leave the house. I have had incontinence for over 10 years. I am now a 55 year old woman who wears diapers and has a wonderful life. I can go most anywhere and remain stealth about my diaper issues. […]
Meg’s Personal Story
Meg’s Personal Story- Incontinence from Childbirth- “At least you’re not dying” they tell me In 2010 I gave birth to my first son and suffered a 4th degree tear- as a result of a vacuum delivery and episiotomy. Soon after I started having issues with continence but didn’t really connect the dots. After a year […]
Anonymous Personal Story
Anonymous Personal Story with fecal incontinence: “DO NOT QUIT” Several years ago I began having episodes of fecal incontinence at night while asleep. Sometimes every few months or multiple times a week. I chalked it up to the frequent diarrhea I had been having since my gastric bypass in 2002. Then I began having minor […]
I had just finished the electronics technician school for submarines in Groton,CT when I was diagnosed with diabetes. Not wanting to lose another submariner, especially a freshly trained one the doctor convinced me to stay in the Navy. I was in prime shape, running 10 miles a day and the doc told me if I […]
At age 50 I had to say good-bye to a very diseased colon, but was encouraged when I learned about j-pouch surgery to create an ileoanal reservoir. This meant a life free of wearing and ileostomy bag — which did have to wear for a year and did not get along with at all — […]