Eileen’s Personal Story

Eileen’s Personal Story: IBS and Linzess I too suffer from IBS and was prescribed Linzess by my Dr. The only side effects I have with this medicine is at night when I lay down, I have terrible pains in my hips, legs and my arms to the point I cannot go to sleep at all. […]

Anonymous Personal Story

Anonymous Personal Story: I no longer feel like I am the only one. I have IBS. My mother and grandmother also have/had it. Thankfully, I do not suffer with pain (God bless you who do), mine is extreme urgency out of nowhere. I have about a 5-minute window from the time I get the feeling. […]

Roberto’s Personal Story

Roberto’s Personal Story: “IBS can be triggered by stress but IBS “attacks” also give us stress” At first, I tought I had a simple stomach infection after 5 days passed I went to the gastroenterologist and he gave me a course of antibiotics, anti-parasite, Pepto and some expensive probioatics. After the course was completed I […]

Kirby’s Personal Story

Kirby’s Personal Story: A life long, on and off problem with a, “lazy bowel.” I’m an 85 year old male with a life long, on and off problem with a, “lazy bowel.” Pooping was, thank the Lord, a problem until I discovered a “silver bullet.” As a kid my mom would administer castor oil for […]

Saurabh’s Personal Story

Saurabh’s Personal Story: Chest pain and constipation I’m 39. I’ve had a history of diabetes, high blood pressure and now bloating, chest pain and constipation. Doctors did an ECG and said that it’s not heart related, but it’s really stressful. I often feel bloated, constipation, heart palpitations, dizziness, etc. Back to all Personal stories

Sue’s Personal Story

Sue’s Personal Story: “My journey into this GERD nightmare started when I started perimenopause.” My journey into this GERD nightmare started when I started peri menopause. I didn’t know then that dropping estrogen weakens the sphincter muscle. Around that time I lifted a stupidly heavy table and heard and felt the les muscle rip. The […]

Anonymous Personal Story

Anonymous Personal Story: “I always had a difficult relationship with the toilet when I was a child” Hello, i am a 40 year old male who has been struggling with IBS for about 7 years. I always had a difficult relationship with the toilet when I was a child, and as an adult struggled with […]

Reisa’s Personal Story

Reisa’s Personal Story: Misdiagnosed with IBS For 15 years, I was misdiagnosed as having IBS. Though my symptoms worsened over time, the attending physician did not perform further tests to see if the disorder might have been something else. A visit to an excellent gastroenterologist brought hope to me, as he discovered that I had […]

Tammy’s Personal Story

Tammy’s Personal Story: IBS has robbed me of having any type of semblance of a normal life I’ve had IBS for over 25 years. It’s robbed me of having any type of semblance of a normal life. 43 years old now and childless because of it. Never wanted to risk pregnancy because of the unknown […]

Carmela’s Personal Story

Carmela’s Personal Story: “The constant bloating, gas, constipation , and nausea have ruined my quality of life.” I have had IBS for eight months. I got it from fighting sepsis and the four months of antibiotics wiped out my good bacteria. I then picked up Ibs. I’m 71 yrs. Old. The constant bloating, gas, constipation […]

Olivia’s Personal Story

Olivia’s Personal Story: “I’m sorry for all your silent suffering, I know it’s so debilitating and depressing.” Hello, I’m 25 female, I’ve had Ibs mixed for about 6 years now. It began at uni with a combination of work and social anxiety. For 2 years I had constant loose stools (7-17 times depending on anxiety […]

Carol’s Personal Story

Carol’s Personal Story: “I’ve had massive stress in my life over the past few years and my IBS has become a battle.” I’m 59 and I’ve probably had IBS since I was a child. It’s just something I’ve always lived with. Stomach pain, bloating, nausea. It comes and goes but gets worse if I’m facing […]

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