Charmane’s Personal Story
Charmane’s Personal Story: “It’s hard living with GERD.” I have been diagnosed with GERD last year, month of October. I did 3 bad things at the same time. I eat oranges, nuggets and then drank my antibiotic then I sleep immediately just to wake up after an hour with a burning sensation in my throat […]
Megha’s Personal Story
Megha’s Personal Story: Living with Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR) I was diagnosed with Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR), a type of reflux disease (GERD) in which stomach acid and dietary acid (i.e. acid in the food we ingest) affects the esophagus and the larynx (the “voice box”). In my case, LPR’s symptoms overlapped with those of common cold/sore […]
Cynthia’s Personal Story
Cynthia’s Personal Story: “I have been living with IBS for over 10 years” I am 28 years old and I have been living with IBS for over 10 years. It has not been easy and finding a good diet is the one main thing I struggle with because I love food. Over the past year […]
Bianca’s Personal Story
Bianca’s Personal Story: “They all said it’s not that bad” Hello guys, my name is Bianca and I’m 19 years old atm, I am struggling with this problem since i was 14 so for about 5 years. I was NEVER diagnosed and no one never wanted to look into me or recommend taking an endoscopy […]
Anonymous Personal Story
Anonymous Personal Story: My Journey with GERD I began to to excess acid in m stomach about twelve years ago with just occasional acid reflux. The symptoms went away while I continued to take antacid tablets. Just over a year ago my acid trouble got worse with stomach pains. It took me a year to […]
Chet’s Personal Story
Chet’s Personal Story: 3 years ago I was diagnosed with GERD I am not one to typically do this but this has been a major trial for me and I was able to overcome it so if this helps someone it’s worth it. 13 years ago I was diagnosed with GERD and took Prilosec and […]
Nicole’s Personal Story
Nicole’s Personal Story: Heartburn and Constipation I have heartburn sometimes and I don’t take medicine because of side effects. I suggest people take celery juice and cucumber juice. You will get rid of constipation. Get the book on celery juice and follow instructions as there is a certain way to take it. The author is […]
Jabria’s Personal Story
Jabria’s Personal Story: GERD I was strolling on the internet one night. Looking for home remedies for GERD & gastritis. I have suffered from acid reflux as a child. Also some cases of gastritis. About a year ago i was diagnosed with GERD. They prescribed me pantropozole. If anyone knows this medication. It is great! […]
John’s Personal Story
John’s Personal Story: GERD and Chronic Coughing About five or six years ago, I developed a small tickle in my throat. I thought it was from jogging daily in a city with pollution. But it persisted even after I’d switched to indoor exercise. And then, I can’t recall exactly when, there were two remarkable incidents. […]
Olena’s Personal Story
Olena’s Personal Story: “GERD sufferer for nearly 3 years: searching for an answer” TL;DRGERD sufferer for nearly 3 years. Been on Famotidine daily, now Omeprazole. Had an Upper Endoscopy that showed mild gastritis without H.Pylori, Ulcers, or Barrett’s Esophagus. Trying to take a food allergy blood test next to figure out why symptoms remain despite […]
Anonymous Personal Story
Anonymous Personal Story: “GERD: I suspect I may have it” I’ve never been diagnosed with GERD, but I suspect I may have it. My main symptoms are nausea, painful swallowing, cough and regurgitation. My mom said that I looked like I was about to hurl. And when I would go to the bathroom to throw […]
Giraffe’s Personal Story
Giraffe’s Personal Story: GERD, Gastritis, and Esophagitis When I was 14, in June, I had severe pain in my pelvic area and thought I was dying. I couldn’t stop sobbing and my parents took me to the ER to see what was going on. They found some evidence of a cyst rupturing but later found […]