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Understanding Chronic or Functional Diarrhea

What is Diarrhea? Diarrhea is defined as passing frequent and/or loose or watery stools. Acute diarrhea goes away in a few weeks, and becomes chronic when it lasts longer than 3–4 weeks. If no specific cause is found after a thorough investigation and certain criteria are met, a diagnosis of functional or chronic diarrhea may […]

Managing Diarrhea

How Can You Manage Diarrhea? Managing diarrhea can be tough. Diarrhea is best described as the too frequent and often urgent passage of loose or watery stools, but there is no perfect definition of the disorder. There are many causes, and diarrhea may be a mild nuisance or a disabling dysfunction with life-threatening consequences. Therefore, […]

Sarah’s Personal Story

Sarah’s Personal Story: “Please help or advice welcome” The last 2 months have been horrible. Very much a rollercoaster ride. Doctors don’t know what’s going on. 2 months ago I fell ill with what I thought was a gastro bug. Symptoms were lethargy, stomach cramps, constant nausea, occasional diarrhea, loss of appetite and weakness. I went […]

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