Anonymous Personal Story

Anonymous Personal Story: Eosinophilic Esophagitis and Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Hello, I have interviewed my younger brother about his disorder, Eosinophilic Esophagitis and Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. He is 11 this is his story not mine.   How do you feel when a episode occurs?   What are your personal symptoms?       My stomach feels […]

Megan’s Personal Story

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Megan’s Personal Story: Searching for Answers to Persistent GI Symptoms as a Young Adult Hello, I am an 18 year old female who has been experiencing gastrointestinal disorder like sysmptoms for almost a year now, and am still on my journey to finding both answers and solutions.   Throughout the beginning of 2016, I experienced […]


For twenty years I vomited every day, every single jghft day. then it went into certain times like 12:00 lunch time at work .I would race home throw up on the way home get in my shower hot water seems to help, shower for 20 min and head back to work tired wore out.I was […]

Casey’s Personal Story

Casey’s Personal Story: Battling Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS) and Chronic Pain For over 13 years I have woke up every morning vomiting violently and uncontrollably. Today I found a name for this demon. CVS. The demon keeping me from being able to take care of my 5 year old; the demon that keeps me from […]

Deb’s Personal Story

Deb’s Personal Story: Gastroparesis the beginning. I believe my journey began in 1989 with the first migraine, but I didn’t realize it. The first migraine I had was a reaction to Indocin. I thought, at the time! And it may very well have been! What you also need to know? Is that I was an […]

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