How to Make a Difference

Will Donating to Medical Research Make A Difference?

how to make a difference

By: Douglas Drossman, MD, Chair, IFFGD Research Awards Selection Committee

The majority of research in the United States and elsewhere is conducted in the private sector (pharmaceutical companies) and by governments (in the U.S. it is the National Institutes of Health, or NIH). Another source of medical research funding comes from nonprofit organizations, like IFFGD. Regardless of the source, monies for research help to further science that ultimately helps in bringing about better treatments and maybe even cures for aliments of the human condition.

When a nonprofit patient foundation like IFFGD begins to fund research, wonderful things begin to happen. Patients become more effectively engaged in helping to improve their health or the health of their children. Although many scientific discoveries may take years to translate into everyday patient care and practice, the process of discovery in and of itself propels even more science.

IFFGD continues its commitment to providing education and raising awareness.

“By funding research, the organization embarks on another journey. This journey will help to shape science and scientific advancement, and improve patient quality of life.”

IFFGD continues its commitment to providing education and raising awareness. By funding research, the organization embarks on another journey. This journey will help to shape science and scientific advancement, and improve patient quality of life.

I am honored to serve and Chair the IFFGD Research Awards Selection Committee. The work of my colleagues and myself is but one piece in furthering the science of gastrointestinal diseases. IFFGD’s research initiative will help to advance all the pieces and parts of basic and clinical science surrounding functional gastrointestinal and motility disorders. We continue to work, together, for answers and cures.

The Need for More Research – How You Can Help

IFFGD participates in and encourages support of scientific inquiry and research. Although the need has been demonstrated, functional GI disorder research remains severely underfunded.

There are a growing number of clinicians and investigators who are striving to learn more about the functional gastrointestinal disorders. They need research funding. You can help. Working together, we can change the way these disorders are viewed, managed and treated. To know more about funding needs, visit:  Need for funding.

Make a Donation for Research

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