IFFGD Celebrates #GivingTuesday


Partnering with the digestive health community, the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders pledges to raise awareness and support of patients with chronic gastrointestinal illnesses so they know that they are not alone.

For Immediate Release

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MOUNT PLEASANT, S.C., (Nov. 7, 2018) – This #GivingTuesday, the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) will celebrate giving by joining the #GivingTuesday movement on November 27th to raise awareness and support for everyone affected by a chronic gastrointestinal illness.

“Being a part of the #GivingTuesday movement provides us with the opportunity to share our story of why we began and how we will continue to serve adults and children with chronic GI disorders,” said Ceciel T. Rooker, President of IFFGD. “It allows us to share our goals beyond the reach of our immediate community and encourage people to support a cause they can believe in.”

There are many ways to join and support IFFGD’s #GivingTuesday initiative. Share IFFGD’s #GivingTuesday message with your social network, start a fundraiser on Facebook, make a purchase using AmazonSmile, sign up for the eNewsletter, or donate at www.iffgd.org. Ms. Rooker added, “Monetary support is needed for a non-profit to succeed; however, giving is not only about the dollars you contribute. It’s also about using your voice to help raise awareness about our mission and the patients, families, and care givers that we support.”

The International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) is a nonprofit education and research organization dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by a chronic gastrointestinal disorder. Founded in 1991, IFFGD helps improve care by enhancing awareness, improving education, and supporting and encouraging research into treatments and cures for chronic digestive conditions. Learn more at www.iffgd.org.

To learn more about IFFGD, please visit:
Website: www.iffgd.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/IFFGD
Twitter: www.twitter.com/IFFGD
Instagram: www.instagram.com/DigestiveHealthMatters

About #GivingTuesday
Founded by the team in the Belfer Center for Innovation & Social Impact at 92nd Street (www.92Y.org), #GivingTuesday is a global giving movement that has been built by individuals, families, organizations, businesses and communities in all 50 states and in countries around the world. This year, #GivingTuesday falls on November 27. #GivingTuesday harnesses the collective power of a unique blend of partners to transform how people think about, talk about, and participate in the giving season. It inspires people to take collective action to improve their communities, give back in better, smarter ways to the charities and causes they believe in, and help create a better world. #GivingTuesday demonstrates how every act of generosity counts, and that they mean even more when we give together.

To learn more about #GivingTuesday participants and activities or to join the celebration of giving, please visit:

Website: www.givingtuesday.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GivingTuesday
Twitter: www.twitter.com/GivingTues


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IFFGD is a nonprofit education and research organization. Our mission is to inform, assist, and support people affected by gastrointestinal disorders.

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