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I have had digistive problems from about age 55 (I am 63 now). Mostly gastritis, diverticulosis and and IBS, which make it difficult to know what to eat. More recently it seems to be more IBS-D with urgency and even a couple of really upsetting episodes of bowel incontinence. I read everything I can about […]


I have UC plus IBS-D. The UC is being controlled with infusions, but IBS-D causes lots of loose stools after an evening meal. Immodium helps but it plugs me up @ the same time! W/out it, I have eight loose stools after a small salad or even an egg. Steamed vegetables are also out. I’m […]

266- The Roles of Intestinal Nerves and Serotonin in Gut Function and Dysfunction

In the GI tract, neural circuits that are housed entirely within the wall of the intestine are capable of regulating various features of gut function such as motility and secretion. While these enteric neural circuits can be controlled by signals coming from the brain, they can also function independently. This means that the nervous system […]

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

What is inflammatory bowel disease? Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is characterized by chronic irritation and ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract; Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are the most common disorders. The disorders can develop in any age group but are usually diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 30. What is Crohn’s disease? The digestive […]

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