405- Parkinson’s Disease and Dysphagia

Parkinson’s Disease and Dysphagia Occuring Together Research studies have shown that 35-80% of people with PD have dysphagia. This wide range is a result of the many testing options that are available, which are described in the diagnosis section. Dysphagia likely happens often in people with PD due to poor muscle movements. Muscles in the […]

409- Working With Your Healthcare Provider

Working with your healthcare provider can help make managing your condition easier A partnership between a patient and healthcare provider is essential when managing all chronic illnesses. Because the time spent with your healthcare provider is both limited and valuable, you can maximize it by following some simple guidelines before and after the visit. Learn […]

421- Personal Daily Diary for All GI Disorders

Using a Personal Daily Symptom Diary for 2–4 weeks can help you learn more about how your body may be reacting to certain things in your life, such as diet, exercise, stress, and sleep. A Daily Diary aims to help you better understand your gastrointestinal (GI) illness. When you keep a detailed record of stool […]

Disorders of the Throat & Esophagus: 2021 NES

Disorders of the Throat & Esophagus: 2021 NES Dr. John Pandolfino

Disorders of the Throat & Esophagus – Presented by Dr. John Pandolfino This video is a part of the 2021 Norton Education Series: 30th Anniversary Event which was broadcast on November 6 & 7, 2021. Warning: Some of the educational videos in this program contain graphic images of the human body related to medical procedures […]

Pharmacologic & Surgical Treatments for Esophageal Disorders: 2021 NES

Dr. Ronnie Fass - 2021 NES Pharmacologic & Surgical Treatments for Esophageal Disorders

Treatments for Esophageal Disorders – Presented by Dr. Ronnie Fass This video is a part of the 2021 Norton Education Series: 30th Anniversary Event which was broadcast on November 6 & 7, 2021. Warning: Some of the educational videos in this program contain graphic images of the human body related to medical procedures and for […]

411 How to Qualify for Social Security Benefits

Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders are more common than people think. Even though almost everyone has occasional bouts of GI issues, thousands of people have chronic and severe GI disorders that can make it impossible for them to work. If you have worked in the past but can’t work now because of a GI disorder that you expect to last a year or more, you can file a […]


Defining Functional Dysphagia Functional dysphagia is the sensation of solid and/or liquid foods sticking, lodging, or passing abnormally through the esophagus.  We swallow on average once every minute and this is supplemented by the production of saliva. Swallowing increases dramatically (6–8 times per minute) when we eat. When swallowing is disrupted, the consequences can be […]

510-Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders of the Esophagus and Stomach

This article reviews disorders caused by abnormal motility in the gastrointestinal tract (including GERD, dysphagia, functional chest pain, gastroparesis, and dyspepsia) and their characteristic symptoms, such as food sticking, pain, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting.
Also available offline as a glossy color brochure (3.5″ x 8.5″). Contact IFFGD for details.

507 – Functional Dysphagia

Functional dysphagia is the sensation of solid and/or liquid foods sticking, lodging, or passing abnormally through the esophagus. It is diagnosed based on symptoms present for at least three months and not associated with anatomic abnormalities, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or well recognized motility disorders such as achalasia [difficulty swallowing due to an absence of peristaltic contractions in the esophagus].

116 – Doctor – Patient Communication

Functional GI disorders present a special challenge to the doctor-patient interaction for several reasons. First, functional GI disorders are characterized, in most cases, by vague symptoms of variable intensity. Many times, these symptoms involve the most intimate anatomic areas of the body. The sensitivity of these issues can complicate the task for the patient who needs to express them in terms that the physician can interpret to formulate a diagnosis. Secondly, the physician is hampered by the absence of obvious structural lesions that often lessens the likelihood of devising a specific medical intervention that is successful. In some cases, the physician’s own anxiety can be increased by the lack of a symptom complex that leads to well-understood disease entity, such as parasites or lactose intolerance. This deficiency, in turn, often leads both physician and patient to over-investigate the symptoms. So what are the ingredients that comprise successful doctor-patient communication about the functional GI disorders?

215- Problems with Doctors That Interfere with Treatment

The placebo effect can enhance therapy, and promote a successful relationship between healer and patient. However, a treatment administered by a healer may also have a bad effect. Any treatment may have a predictable risk, but a nocebo effect denotes worsening beyond the known risk – the adverse effect of a failed therapeutic relationship. This can result in sub-optimal health care. An examination of its causes and ways to avoid it are discussed.

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