Tanya’s Personal Story

Tanya’s Personal Story: Finding Relief from IBS After 20 Years


I suffered from IBS for 20 years and only had help to ease the symptoms. Now I have discovered the remedy. With this I hope to help all gastro reflux and IBS sufferers. I was having bloating, terrible wind, foul smelling gas, water retention, palpitations, feeling cold and insomnia. Then about 2 years ago a chance consultation with a young doc who suggested that the food could be a stimulant causing me insomnia much like coffee. At that time I already knew monosodium glutamate gave me insomnia. I decided to eliminate anything artificial including oreservatives, colouring, anything unpronounceable in the ingredients of every single item I bought from the store. Now finaally after 20 years I can sleep nore or less peacefully most nights. Now I pretty much eat home cooked whole foods and only natural herbs for flavouring.  Store bought sauces have too many artificial ingredients.   Kefir and apple cider vinegar helps with my digestion so I take both now and again.  My IBS and insomnia made me have clinical depression.  I hope this helps all the sufferers out there not to give up finding what works for you!

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