Hello, My name is Susan and I am 52. About 3 1/2 years ago I started getting Really Bad Abdominal Pain. I also have IBS C but I never thought the Pain was due to that ailment and neither do Any of the Many Doctors I have gone to see. I had my Gallbladder out right away and that did Nothing for the pain. The Pain is actually on the right side mid abdomin. I also have Kidney Stones in both Kidneys and have had Four Surgeries for those removals in the past 3 1/2 years. Believe me I know the difference between Those Pains. At one point the pain,normally an ‘8’ Every Single day, was a ’10’. This day was a ’10’ and it was horrible. I have had natural childbirth, no drugs, and I Know what a ’10’ is. So I went to the ER and they said I had a Severe UTI. Now, I had Never had a UTI in my life and I have NO other UTI Symptoms. After I take the Cipro, the pain does go back to an ‘8’ which is Better than a ’10’ but is Awful! I can barely stand in a line at a store. I can’t walk for any length of time. Nobody but Nobody can figure out this problem and I had to be qualified as ‘disabled’.I can’t work and I sleep 10-15 hours per day (was previously diagnosed as an ‘Insomniac!’) This is Seriously no way to live. Any ideas would be Greatly Appreciated.To all who suffer from unbearable Pain, I Completely Understand. People don’t believe me because they don’t SEE the PAIN!!! (not close friends or family). Thanks for reading this.