Margaret’s Personal Story

Margaret’s Personal Story: “I get intermittent feeling of swirling acid type/ warmth feeling in my abdomen”

About 4 months ago I had a bad cold and was eating a lumpy sandwich when I had a coughing fit. The food seemed to get stuck in my oesophagus and stayed there a while til it finally went but left me with a feeling of something stuck in my throat. That feeling has subsided but I seem to have acid in my stomach and not much appetite. The symptom that bothers me now and I’d like to know if anyone else has this is this . I get intermittent feeling of swirling acid type/ warmth feeling in my abdomen. I. e. below my navel and across the whole abdominal area. There’s no pain, no tenderness, no lumps etc. When I do have a more substantial meal I don’t seem to get it. I’ve tried Gaviscon Advance but I’m not sure if it makes it worse. Please does anyone else have this? I have terrible health anxiety and scared of doctors.

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