Jerri’s Personal Story: GERD
For the past few months I had been having a problem swallowing my saliva. I webt to my doctor a few weeks ago and she said it was acid reflux. So i thought ok i can just take some otcs and I’ll be ok. Wrong!! I didn’t realize how much this eould affect my life. It’s like my life has done a complete 180. I’m only 23 and I’m mostly in good health other than this stupid acid reflux. I went from being able to virtually eat what i wanted without problems to having to literally eat and drink in fear. And I’m on vacation and omg it’s been terrible. I had to ride a plane and i think the plane ride really messed me up. I had nausea and just problem after problem and i thought i had gotten this under control but i guess not. I hope that i can overcome this but it’s so discouraging.