I am a 36 year old female who was diagnosed with Gastroparesis two years ago while completing my final year of graduate school while working full time at a Fortune 500 company reporting to a Chief Executive. During this time period, I experienced my body (and mind) completely collapsing. I was unable to eat and when I did it I became incredibly ill. There were also periods of days and weeks were I could barely get out of bed. The stomach cramping and brain fog were terrible. I’ve never experienced anything like it. After several tests and months, I received the diagnosis of Gastroparesis. FINALLY, there was a name for what I was going through.
Once I received my diagnosis, I immediately began doing research. What was Gastroparesis? Was there a cure? Would I ever feel normal again? All sorts of questions began racing through my mind. There is a tremendous amount of negativity floating around the internet in regards to Gastroparesis. In spite of this, I was determined to keep fighting and searching for a better quality of life. I am not one to take a challenge laying down and Gastroparesis was my new challenge to overcome.
After several months of living on smoothies a friend urged me to locate a massage therapist that specialized in chronic illness and digestive massage. Thankfully I found one and her treatments were invaluable in the early days/months of my diagnosis. An acupuncturist practiced at the same center, so I began to see him. These two truly revolutionized my life. I also began seeing a nutritionist and completely rehauled my diet.
After several months of my self-made treatment plan, I began to experience a turn around. I was performing at a high level at work again. I was able to exercise. I was able to eat solid food. The change has truly been amazing.
Throughout all of this, I tried to maintain a positive attitude (easier said than done) and began to blog about my daily life with Gastroparesis atwww.adventureswithgastroparesis.com. I wanted others who were early in their diagnosis to find positivity and someone who could find the humor in what we deal with. I also wanted a reference point for caretakers and friends, so that they could have insight into daily life with Gastroparesis.
I have now reached the point where I could complete my goal of running a half marathon (Check out Geri’s DHA Fundraiser for her Half Marathon– she exceeded her fundraising goal!!). I may have Gastroparesis, but I have no complaints. I have made some amazing friends that I would have never met otherwise!
Fixed, thank you!
If you click the link for the blog it takes you towww.adventureswithgastroparesis.orginstead of .com