Brittany’s Personal Story

Brittany’s Personal Story- “You are more than a diagnosis”

I have been suffering from what the doctors diagnosed as IBS for as long as I can remember. I can go for an extended period of time with just simple minor discomforts and live a “normal” life. But when I have what I call a flare, it’s like my life stops. I go through periods where it hurts to even think about eating and the nausea feels like it eats me alive. During this time I have been known to lose up to 50lbs which at 4’11 is a dramatic weight change. While I have been told that I will never have a quote “normal life” I know that I am strong enough to have a good life. I hope all of you even on your darkest days with this know that you are not alone and that you are more than a diagnosis. You are important!

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