Anonymous Personal Story

Anonymous Personal Story: Diagnosis of Gastroparesis and Dysmotility

I am a 21 year old female, and my onset of GP and intestinal motility issues started when I was 11 years old. I got a terrible illness, and never really got better. I tried to eat, but would feel sick after a few bites. I love to run, and went out for the cross country team, I made varsity as a freshman, but struggled to keep from losing weight the whole time. As a sophmore, I was on track to possibly win state as a senior, but that is when it got really bad. Although I tried to eat, I felt sicker and sicker, that spring I quit track at 65 pounds, I knew it was dangerous. Afterward, I was admitted to a hopital, and spent the next few years in and out of treatment centers for an eating disorder that I did not have, I told them I wanted to eat, but I just couldn’ t I begged for tubes so that i would stop losing weight, and tried to eat, only to throw up on the floor hours later, and sometimes even in my sleep. It was a living hell. I was so sick and no one would believe me that I was not doing it one purpose, no on that is but my mom, she stood by me the whole time. I was in countless therepy session, treatment centers, and medications to try and right a psychological problem that was not there. I had to make stuff up, because I was told I could not go home unless I ‘talked’ my senior year of high school, I had a seizure from one of the 15 medications I was on, and I finally went one of the best GI departments in the country. The day that I was told it was not my fault, and that I had Gastroparesis and Intestinal Dysmotility was the best day of my life. For so long I had been told I was crazy, I started to believe it. Sometimes it stinks to eat differently, but it is so much better than getting ill. Although my growth is stunted and my teeth are messed up from all of the years of being misdiagnosed, I am happy and as healthy as I can be with Motlitly issues, have grown four inches in the past year,and am in College and running again. Sometimes the right DIagnosis can be the best thing of your life.

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