Anonymous Personal Story

Anonymous Personal Story: Managing GERD, Hiatal Hernia, and Sudden IBS Symptoms with Diet Changes

Since childhood, I had some episodes of gastritis (diagnosed when I was a teen). It got much better when I went to college and got older. Still, I had occasional issues over the years, especially during times of high stress – and there has been much of that.

About 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with GERD. They said it was moderate, but I avoided all dairy except for some cheese and had few symptoms. Four years ago, I had an unknown food allergy – bananas and avocados, it turned out – that made me so ill I had to get an endoscopy. Then, they discovered a fairly large hiatal hernia that might eventually need surgery. I told them I don’t do surgery and pursued homeopathic and dietary solutions, which have worked for me.

Now at 61, I have been struggling with a sudden onset of something very akin to IBS. Technically, I’m not diagnosed as it’s been a month and inconsistent. However, the bouts have been frequent, and I have been very ill with it. I’m going for another endoscopy in a month and will find out what’s going on then.

In the meantime, I’ve continued reading blogs and sites like this and have gotten very familiar with dietary interventions that have shown great success. That is why I wanted to post. I found a plan called “Great Taste, No Pain.” Essentially, it’s based on science regarding how our digestive system works with different foods, focusing on eating certain foods together – and avoiding certain combinations altogether.

It sounds hard, but it’s not. I implemented it and felt so much better I almost canceled the endoscopy – but knew better and didn’t. I did fine at Thanksgiving, and it just requires some planning. I have a family, a busy career, and teens with some allergies, so I wondered if I could manage it all – and I have.

I only got tripped up when I ate a takeout sandwich that combined bread (simple carbs) with cheese, which started an issue. Also, I do have to be careful of allergies, as they can set this thing off, making it hard to tell what is causing the problem when I eat the wrong food.

I will add that at 61, I take no medication, have always had excellent health, and had no allergies until I got older. However, gut issues can cause more allergies due to autoimmune issues kicking in – so if you are young, turn this around with FOOD now.

Hope this is helpful.

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