IBS: More Questions Than Answers?

IBS: More Questions Than Answers?

International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) launches #IWant2Know, a social campaign for IBS Awareness Month.

For Immediate Release

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MOUNT PLEASANT, S.C., (March 4, 2020)– April is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness Month. Worldwide, an estimate of 10 to 15% of the population is affected by IBS, and 25 to 45 million Americans currently live with this gastrointestinal (GI) disorder. Often, individuals who suffer from IBS find themselves on a quest for answers about their overall health, how to manage their symptoms, and treatment availability.

April is IBS Awareness Month. Next month, IFFGD encourages patients to share their questions on social media using hashtags #IBSAwarenessMonth and #IWant2Know. This social campaign is designed to generate a conversation about IBS and to raise awareness about the importance of improving the quality of life for those living with this GI condition.

“There is a wide range of symptoms associated with IBS, which is concerning for patients living with this illness,” said Ceciel T. Rooker, President of IFFGD. “When questions about their IBS symptoms or treatment options go unanswered, many patients are left with the uncertainty of how to navigate life with such a debilitating and life-altering condition.”

Symptoms associated with IBS can flare up unexpectedly and change over time or even daily. IBS is characterized by the following:

  • Recurring or chronic bouts of abdominal pain or discomfort on association with eating and/or drinking.
  • Changes in bowel frequency or consistency, such as IBS with diarrhea and/or IBS with constipation.
  • Other symptoms, such as bloating, gas, or urgency may also occur.

“It is imperative that we raise awareness about each GI disorder like IBS and the questions which often leave patients on a lifelong journey to find the right treatment option(s),” said Ceciel T. Rooker. “By doing so, it can translate into larger federal investments in research activities and a stronger commitment from industry to develop new treatment options.”


The International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) is a nonprofit education and research organization dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by a chronic gastrointestinal disorder. Founded in 1991, IFFGD helps improve care by enhancing awareness, improving education, and supporting and encouraging research into treatments and cures for chronic digestive disorders. 

To learn more about IFFGD, please visit: Website: www.iffgd.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/IFFGD Twitter: www.twitter.com/IFFGD Instagram: www.instagram.com/DigestiveHealthMatters

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