IFFGD’s IBS Patients’ Illness Experience and Unmet Needs Survey

IFFGD’s IBS Patients’ Illness Experience and Unmet Needs Survey

International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) reimplements this survey to assess the illness experience and unmet needs of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

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MOUNT PLEASANT, S.C., (April 9, 2020) — IFFGD announces the reimplementation of the IBS Patients’ Illness Experience and Unmet Needs Survey to evaluate the needs of the IBS patient community. The survey was originally conducted in 2007, and was sponsored by IFFGD, in collaboration with the UNC Center for Functional GI and Motility Disorders. The IBS Patients’ Illness Experience and Unmet Needs Survey is being reimplemented to comprehensively compare results from 2007, and to see if there have been significant changes in the illness experience for IBS patients.

About IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic digestive disorder characterized by chronic and recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort associated with a change in bowel habits. This change in bowel habits may be diarrhea, constipation or both. The cause of IBS is unknown, and there is no cure. IBS affects 10 to 15% of adults and has a significant worldwide prevalence. Although IBS is not associated with an increased risk for life-threatening illness, it is associated with a significant health care and economic burden. April is IBS Awareness Month, and IFFGD’s awareness campaign theme this year is IBS: More Questions Than Answers? “By reimplementing the IBS Patients’ Illness Experience and Unmet Needs Survey this month, it helps to raises awareness, and gives patients an opportunity to actively participate in the future of research for all IBS patients,” said IFFGD President, Ceciel Rooker.

About the Survey

The survey consists of eight parts and should take about 30-45 minutes to complete. It will consist of questions about bowel symptoms, how patients treat their IBS, and the patient’s thoughts and feelings about these treatments and how important they are to them.

IFFGD Board Member, and IBS Survey Co-Chair, William D. Chey, MD, stated “the reimplementation of the IBS Patients’ Illness Experience and Unmet Needs Survey will shine a light on how IBS impacts the lives of affected patients. This survey will help us to better understand the unmet needs of IBS patients. We hope it raises awareness and initiates research in areas that will bring better diagnostic and treatment options to patients with IBS.”

To take part in the IBS Patients’ Illness Experience and Unmet Needs Survey, visit this link


The International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) is a nonprofit education and research organization dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by a chronic gastrointestinal disorder. Founded in 1991, IFFGD helps improve care by enhancing awareness, improving education, and supporting and encouraging research into treatments and cures for chronic digestive disorders. 

To learn more about IFFGD, please visit: Website: www.iffgd.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/IFFGD Twitter: www.twitter.com/IFFGD Instagram: www.instagram.com/DigestiveHealthMatters

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