IFFGD shares GI developments with #GivingTuesday

IFFGD shares GI developments with #GivingTuesday

For Immediate Release

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On December 3, 2019, International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders will participate in the worldwide #GivingTuesday movement with a campaign, #GIvingTuesdayIFFGD, highlighting research and developments that support treatments and raise awareness for patients with chronic gastrointestinal disorders.

MOUNT PLEASANT, SC (December 2, 2019) – This #GivingTuesday, the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) will celebrate the season of giving on December 3rd with a campaign, #GIvingTuesdayIFFGD, to raise awareness of research and information supporting those impacted by chronic gastrointestinal disorders.

“IFFGD strives to support and provide resources to those affected by gastrointestinal disorders. By taking part in this year’s #GivingTuesday movement, we can share unique insights regarding research from the leading gastroenterologists.” said Ceciel T. Rooker, President of IFFGD.

In May 2019, IFFGD launched a video series program, GI Research on the Road. It features IFFGD interviews conducted at medical meetings with GI healthcare experts who highlight research and developments in the GI field, as well as, share valuable insights to raise awareness about research and inform the general and patient community affected by a chronic gastrointestinal disorder. The videos are available on IFFGD’s YouTube channel.

In 2020, IFFGD wants to continue the GI Research on the Road program with a goal of 40 new videos from six medical meetings. The #GIvingTuesdayIFFGD campaign will support the program by offering donors an opportunity to sponsor episodes at the following levels:

Meeting Sponsor $2,000:

  • Supports up to 8 episodes
  • Sponsor’s namedonation acknowledgment will be displayed in each sponsored meeting episode
  • Episode topic suggestion

Episode sponsor $250:

  • Supports 1 video episode
  • Episode topic suggestion

Partial Episode Sponsor $25:

  • Supports overall GI Research on the Road episodes
  • Individuals can group partial sponsorships to sponsor an episode

Ms. Rooker said, “during #GivingTuesday we encourage the public to learn about the importance of research. And we encourage those with gastrointestinal illnesses to become involved in studies to help researchers with the advancement of diagnostic testing and treatments for the enhancement of patient care.”

Help support #GIvingTuesdayIFFGD with a Facebook fundraiser, an AmazonSmile purchase, or sharing on Social Media. Ms. Rooker added, “While financial contribution is greatly appreciated, giving is not only about money. It’s also about raising awareness to support patients, families, and care givers whose life has been affected by chronic gastrointestinal disorders.”


The International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) is a nonprofit education and research organization dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by a chronic gastrointestinal disorder. Founded in 1991, IFFGD helps improve care by enhancing awareness, improving education, and supporting and encouraging research into treatments and cures for chronic digestive disorders.

To learn more about IFFGD, please visit: Website: www.iffgd.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/IFFGD Twitter: www.twitter.com/IFFGD Instagram: www.instagram.com/DigestiveHealthMatters

About #GivingTuesday

Founded by the team in the Belfer Center for Innovation & Social Impact at 92nd Street (www.92Y.org), #GivingTuesday is a global giving movement that has been built by individuals, families, organizations, businesses and communities in all 50 states and in countries around the world. This year, #GivingTuesday falls on December 3rd. #GivingTuesday harnesses the collective power of a unique blend of partners to transform how people think about, talk about, and participate in the giving season. It inspires people to take collective action to improve their communities, give back in better, smarter ways to the charities and causes they believe in, and help create a better world. #GivingTuesday demonstrates how every act of generosity counts, and that they mean even more when we give together.

To learn more about #GivingTuesday participants and activities or to join the celebration of giving, please visit: Website: www.givingtuesday.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/GivingTuesday Twitter: www.twitter.com/GivingTues

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